I am writing to you today not as a CPA but as a small business owner, community member, and citizen of this great nation of ours. We are currently facing some difficult times that will be just a small blip on the radar of life. We will look back on this one day and be even more thankful for our family gatherings, sporting events, concerts, and date nights at a restaurant and movie theater. Our picnics and barbeque parties will be much sweeter. Take this time to love on your loved ones and to check in on a neighbor who may be struggling or afraid to go out to get much needed supplies that may save their life.
The financial and psychological impact may become dark for some. We must remain vigilant and determined to overcome whatever we have to face. For everyone that owns a small business or is working for another employer or is currently enjoying retirement – there may be tough decisions that we will all have to face. This will be a tremendous opportunity for everyone to take a step back and re-evaluate their financial situation and to further strengthen their financial position.
Is there any waste that maybe one habit change can eliminate that waste? Maybe actually eating those leftovers (which I have to say we need to make improvements within my own family).
When is the last time you went through all of your expenses and determined if there were opportunities to re-negotiate or shop around for a new provider? Are you facing tough personnel decisions and you are unsure how to navigate through it? BRW Tax & Accounting and HR Branches are here to assist you in weathering this storm so please get in touch with us and we can customize a plan to fit your unique situation.
Did you know that Small Businesses represent 99.7% of all U.S. Businesses? Per a study from
American Express conducted in 2018, 67 cents of every dollar spent with a local business stays within the local community. Do everything you can to support our local businesses as they are our community pulse. Order delivery / take-out from our local restaurants as they will need you more now than ever. Shop locally for your produce, meats, and toilet paper Buy gift cards from our local area retailers.
If anyone is needing recommendations/referrals/ideas or is committed to bringing more dollars to their local economy please get in touch with us.
We thank the entire community for your continued support. BRW Tax & Accounting will be offering a free 30 minute phone consult to discuss the impact on your own financial situation. Slots are limited and are available on a first come first serve basis.
BRW Tax & Accounting
HR Branches is offering a free 1 hour phone consult to discuss any impact to your company and personnel.
HR Branches
Strength in numbers and it takes a village will become increasingly more important through the coming days / weeks / months. We are here to do our part.
–Brian Werner, CPA, Principal Owner